There is something about cousins that is just special. My daughters and their cousins have formed deep friendships with their cousins that I know will last a lifetime and those bonds are definitely something that deserve a spot in our family scrapbooks.
I am in love with the delicious felt texture of the Carta Bella Ultra White Felt Designer Cardstock. It was a natural choice when choosing a background for this page. I began by sprinkling a few drops of light gray mist around the page.
The stickers in this mini collection have my heart and are perfect for these two girls' wild personalities. They are always concocting some kind of an adventure to have together!
I mean, how cute is that tent? The feather? The arrows?! I'm loving it all! I added a little dimension to the arrows and feather grouping by wrapping a length of twine around them and then tying it in a knot or a bow.
I especially love that I had title letter stickers built right in on the Girl Cousin Sticker Sheet. I adhered them to a scrap of the Ultra White Felt Designer Carstock and them trimmed around them with scissors, leaving a small offset edge.
I created journaling strips for the bottom of the page with a few thoughts about these two cute girls. I accented the journal strips with a couple more heart stickers. I love the way it looks!